The Latest from the Lab
Latest News
Lab members assembled at the inaugural SCAS meeting in Montreal in February of 2023.
February 27
There were many team members (past and present) at the meeting. Dr. Cooke assumed the role of President of SCAS... Read more →
PhD student Jessica Robichaud discusses her turtle research with CBC Radio
November 11 Read more →
Recent Publications
Brooks, J.L., Lédée, E. J. I., Larocque, S. M., Cooke, S.J., Brown, E., and J.D. Midwood. In Press. The influence of thermal and hypoxia induced habitat compression on walleye (Sander vitreus) movements in a temperate lake. Movement Ecology. 00:000-000.
Lemieux, T.A., Coles, J.D.R., Haley, A.L., LaFlamme, M.L., Steel, S.K., Scott, K.M., Provencher, J.F., Price, C., Bennett, J.R., Barrio, I.C., Findlay, H.S., Goodman, S.J., Matthews, B., Näslund, J., Pearce, D.A., Hollister, R.D., Mallory, M.L., Smith, P.A., Schaepman-Strub, G., and Cooke, S.J. In Press. Persistent and Emerging Threats to Arctic Biodiversity and Ways to Overcome Them: A Horizon Scan. Arctic Science. 00:000-000.
Reeve, C., Smith, K. A., Bzonek, P. A., Cooke, S. J., Blanchfield, P. J., and Brownscombe, J. W. In Press. Calibrating acceleration transmitters to quantify the seasonal energetic costs of activity in lake trout. Journal of Fish Biology. 00:000-000.