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Congratulations to Dr. Lee Gutowsky and Dr. Graham Raby!

The Cooke lab is thrilled to announce the recent successful dissertation defence by Dr. Lee Gutowsky and Dr. Graham Raby.  Dr. Gutowsky (co-advised by Cooke and Dr. Mike Power from U Waterloo) studied the behavioural ecology of adfluvial bull trout in British Columbia and Dr. Raby (co-advised by Cooke and Dr. Scott Hinch from UBC) studied the consequences of fisheries interactions on endangered Pacific salmon.

Dr. Gutowsky will be doing a post doc with our lab with a focus on quantitative analysis of telemetry data.  Dr. Raby will be doing a 6 month post doc in Australia before moving to the University of Windsor to work with Dr. Aaron Fisk for 2 yrs.

We are grateful to Dr. J. Ellen Marsden and Dr. Carl Schreck for serving as external referees and joining us on campus to share their wealth of expertise.