Andrew Kadykalo


Research Interests: Conservation, ecosystem functions and services, pollination, wetlands, predator-prey relationships, trophic cascades, evidence synthesis, meta-analysis, predictive modeling, fish and wildlife management, science-policy


M.Sc. (2016-2017), Environmental Sustainability, Institute of the Environment, University of Ottawa
Research Paper (Supervised by C. Scott Findlay): Agricultural Best Management Practices: Tradeoffs and Synergies between Crop Yield and Ecosystem Services
M.Sc. (2010-2013), Biology, University of Ottawa
Thesis Title (Supervised by C. Scott Finday): Evaluating and Predicting Ecosystem Services
B.B.A (2005-2009), Business Administration, Biology Minor, Trent University

Lab Publications (13)

  • Cooke, S.J., N. Young, K.S. Peiman, D.G. Roche, J.C. Clements, A.N. Kadykalo, J.F. Provencher, R. Raghavan, M.C. DeRosa, R.J. Lennox, A.R. Fayek, M.E. Cristescu, S.J. Murray, J. Quinn, K.D. Cobey, and H.I. Browman.  In Press.  A harm reduction approach to improving peer review by acknowledging its imperfections.  FACETS Journal.  00:000-000.

  • Cooke, S.J., C.N. Cook, V.M. Nguyen, J.C. Walsh, N. Young, C. Cvitanovic, M.J. Grainger, N.P. Randall, M. Muir, A.N. Kadykalo, K.A. Monk and A.S. Pullin.  2023.  Environmental Evidence in Action: On the Science and Practice of Evidence Synthesis and Evidence-Based Decision-Making.  Environmental Evidence.  12:10.

  • Kadykalo, A.N., A.L. Jeanson, S.J. Cooke and N. Young. 2022. Uncertainty, anxiety, and optimism: Diverse perspectives of rainbow and steelhead trout fisheries governance in British Columbia. Environmental Challenges. 9:100610.

  • Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries Cover Image

    Nyboer, E.A., A.J. Reid, A.L. Jeanson, R. Kelly, M. Mackay, J. House, S.M. Arnold, P.W. Simonin, M.G.C. Sedanza, E.D. Rice, T.E.A.L. Quiros, A. Pierucci, K. Ortega‑Cisneros, J.N. Nakamura, V. Melli, S. Mbabazi, M.S.L. Martins, A.B.B. Ledesma, C. Obregón, C.K. Labatt, A.N. Kadykalo, M. Heldsinger, M.E. Green, J.L. Fuller, M. Franco‑Meléndez, M.J. Burnett, J.A. Bolin, S. Andrade‑Vera and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Goals, challenges, and next steps in transdisciplinary fisheries research: perspectives and experiences from early‑career researchers. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 33: 349-374


  • Kadykalo, A.N., C. Beaudoin, D.M. Hackenburg, N. Young and S.J. Cooke. 2022. Social-Ecological Systems Approaches are Essential for Understanding and Responding to the Complex Impacts of COVID-19 on People and the Environment. PLoS Sustainability and Transformation. 1:e0000006.

See All 13 Publications by Andrew Kadykalo

Other Publications

Kadykalo, A. N., M. D. López-Rodriguez, J. Ainscough, N. Droste, H. Ryu, G. Ávila-Flores, S. Le Clec’h, M. C. Muñoz, L. Nilsson, S. Rana, P. Sarkar, K. J. Sevecke and Z. V. Harmáčková (2019). “Disentangling ‘ecosystem services’ and ‘nature’s contributions to people’.” Ecosystems and People 15(1): 269-287.

Hackenburg, D. M., A. Adams, K. Brownson, I. T. Borokini, T. M. Gladkikh, S. C. Herd-Hoare, H. Jolly, A. N. Kadykalo, E. B. Kraus, K. R. McDonough, J. W. Morse, S. S. Sandhu, N. Tugjamba and A. Vallet (2019). “Meaningfully engaging the next generation of ecosystem services specialists.” Ecosystem Services 40: 101041.

Kadykalo, A.N., & Findlay, C.S. (2016). The flow regulation services of wetlands. Ecosystem Services, 20, 91-103. doi: