Graham D. Raby


My research involves assessing how fish respond to fisheries capture and other stressors. My PhD thesis was focused on the effects of fisheries capture on the physiology and post-release fate of adult Pacific salmon undergoing their spawning migration in British Columbia. More recently, I’ve been assessing the behaviour of coral reef fishes after catch-and-release, and examining the behavioural correlates of vulnerability to angling stressors. I’m also interested in evaluating physiological measurements as methods for predicting the fitness of fish and fish populations under climate change scenarios. I’ve begun doing work on the behavioural effects of the elevated levels of dissolved CO2 that are projected to occur for marine fishes this century as a result of climate change, with a focus on fish of the Great Barrier Reef. As a natural follow-on, I’m interested in understanding the potential interactions between climate change (high temperature and CO2) and fisheries capture stressors.
Broadly, my interests span anything that includes examining the effects of stressors on animals, particularly at the organism level. For my work, I combine a variety of techniques, including biotelemetry and biologging, direct observations of fish behaviour in lab and field experiments, assessments of blood and muscle biochemistry, and respirometry.

Email = graham.d.raby (at)



2009-2014: Ph.D. in Biology, Carleton University (Ottawa, ON).

2009 – B.Sc. Honours Environmental & Resource Science, Trent University (Peterborough, ON).

Undergraduate thesis title (supervised by Dr. Michael Fox): Prey selection, consumption rate, and impacts on native benthic fishes of an invasive fish species, the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus), in its expansion phase in the Trent River, Ontario

2014: Ontaio Graduate Scholarship holder

2011-2014 – NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship holder

Google Scholar Profile

Lab Publications (50)

  • Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

    Shorgan, M.B., H.B. Reid, S.V. Ivanova, A.T. Fisk, S.J. Cooke and G.D. Raby.  2024.  Validation of a new acoustic telemetry transmitter for the study of predation events in small fishes.  Journal of Fish Biology. 1-9.

  • Lennox, R.J., M.R. Donaldson, G.D. Raby, K.V. Cook, L. LaRochelle, J.C. Madden, S.J. Cooke, D.A. Patterson and S.G. Hinch.  Using vitality indicators to predict survival of aquatic animals released from fisheries.  Conservation Physiology.

  • American Fisheries Society Logo

    Donaldson, M.R., S. Landovskis, G.S. Deveau, E.J. Eliason, K.M. Jeffries, M.S. Poesch, D.A.R. Drake, D.C. Braun, V.M. Nguyen, G.D. Raby, R.J. Lennox, H. Swanson, B. Favaro, S.D. Bower, N.W. Lapointe, C.T. Hasler and S.J. Cooke.  2023.  Perspectives on the future of freshwater fisheries science, management, and policy in Canada.  Pages 563-587 in C.T. Hasler, J.G. Imhof, N.E. Mandrak and S.J. Cooke, Editors.  Freshwater fisheries in Canada: Historical and contemporary perspectives on the resources and their management.  American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD.


  • Journal of Fish Biology Cover Image

    Cooke, S.J., J.N. Bergman, W.M. Twardek, M.L. Piczak, G.A. Casselberry, K. Lutek, L.S. Dahlmo, K. Birnie-Gauvin, L.P. Griffin, J.W. Brownscombe, G.D. Raby, E.M. Standen, A.Z. Horodysky, S. Johnsen, A.J. Danylchuk, N.B. Furey, A.J. Gallagher, E.J.I. Lédée, J.D. Midwood, L.F.G. Gutowsky, D.M.P. Jacoby, J.K. Matley and R.J. Lennox. 2022. The movement ecology of fishes. Journal of Fish Biology. 101:756-779.

  • Lennox, R.J., J.W. Brownscombe, C. Darimont, A. Horodysky, T. Levi, G.D. Raby and S.J. Cooke. 2022. The roles of humans and apex predators in sustaining ecosystem structure and function: contrast, complementarity, and coexistence. People and Nature. 4:1071-1082.

See All 50 Publications by Graham D. Raby

Other Publications

Raby, G.D., L.F.G. Gutowsky, and M.G. Fox. 2010. Diet composition and consumption rate in round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in its expansion phase in the Trent River, Ontario. Environmental Biology of Fishes 89:143-150 [pdf, 271 KB]