Jessica Robichaud

Ph.D. Candidate

Co-Supervisor: Dr. Jake Brownscombe

Research interests: aquatic ecology, habitat and landscape use, behaviour and physiology of aquatic vertebrates, conservation biology, marine protected areas


MSc (Carleton University, 2022)

Thesis: The overwintering behaviour and physiology of Northern Map Turtles (Graptemys geographica) in Ontario

Honours BSc Environmental Science, Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, and Environmental Studies (University of Toronto, 2020)

Undergraduate Thesis: Impact of Aquatic Invasive Species on Sport Fishes in Ontario

Student Research Technician (Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2019/2020)

Lab Publications (11)

  • Bulté, G., J.A. Robichaud, S.J. Cooke, H.A. MacMillan, and G. Blouin-Demers.  In Press.  Burying in lake sediments: a potential tactic used by female northern map turtles to avoid male harassment.  Ethology.  00:000-000.

  • Fisheries Research Cover Image
    Robichaud, J.A., M.L. Piczak, L. LaRochelle, J.L. Reid, A.D. Chhor, P.E. Holder, L.B. Nowell, J.W. Brownscombe, A.J. Danylchuk, and S.J. Cooke. 2024. Interactive effects of fish handling and water temperature on reflex impairment of angled Rainbow Trout. Fisheries Research 274(2024):106993.
  • Bower, S.D., A. Jeanson, J.A. Robichaud, M.L. Piczak, N. Young, A. Clarke, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke. 2024 .  Predicting differences in angler beliefs, threat perceptions, and actions in British Columbia’s rainbow trout and steelhead fisheries.  Environmental Challenges. 15:100868.

  • north american journal of fisheries management cover image

    LaRochelle, L., L. Haniford, D. Burton, J.F. Bieber, J.A. Robichaud, C.D. Suski, A.J. Danylchuk and S.J. Cooke.  2024.  Do livewell additives influence the physiological and behavioral recovery of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus nigricans)?  North American Journal of Fisheries Management.  44:189-203.

  • Piczak, M. L., Robichaud, J. A., Morrison, P., Rous, A. M., Mulder, I. M., Hill, C. J., Prystay, T. S., Rosner-Katz, H., Robinson, K. F., Bennett, J. R. and Cooke, S. J. 2023. Structured decision making remains underused in ecological restoration despite opportunities. Environment Systems and Decisions.

See All 11 Publications by Jessica Robichaud