Connor Reeve

Ph.D. Candidate

Research Interests: Cold water ecology, behaviour, and physiology

Currently studying free-swimming largemouth bass and lake trout bioenergetics using implantable tags


M.Sc. Biology, University of New Brunswick, Saint John (2017 – 2020)

Thesis Title: Behavioural and Metabolic Responses to the Cold in Winter-Dormant Fishes: Reductions in Activity as the Key Strategy Underlying Energy Savings (Supervisor Dr. Ben Speers-Roesch)

B.Sc. Marine and Freshwater Biology, University of Guelph (2013 – 2017)

Lab Publications (3)

  • Reeve, C., Robichaud, J.A., Fernandes, T., Bates, A.E., Bramburger, A.J., Brownscombe, J.W., Davy, C.M., Henry, H.A.L., McMeans, B.C., Moise, E.R.D., Sharma, S., Smith, P.A., Studd, E.K., O’Sullivan, A., Sutton, A.O., Templer, P.H., Cooke, S.J. 2023. Applied Winter Biology: Threats, Conservation, and Management of Biological Resources during Winter in Cold Climate Regions. 11:coad027

  • Environmental Reviews Cover Image

    Cooke, S.J., P. Soroye, J.L. Brooks, J. Clarke, A.L. Jeanson, A. Berberi, M.L. Piczak, C.H. Reid, J.E. Desforges, J.D. Guay,  A.K. Drake, A.M. Jardine, J.P. Ethier, H.E. Keefe, A.M. Medd , B.P.M. Edwards, C. Reeve, A. Perkovic, A. Frempong-Manso, L. LaRochelle, S. Patterson, M. Roach-Krajewski, A. Howarth, B. Bard, E.J. Harmsen, J. Robichaud, S. Serré, C.J. Bihun, R.T. Buxton, V.M. Nguyen, L.C. Woodall, W.J. Sutherland and J.R. Bennett.  2021.  Ten considerations for conservation policy makers for the post-COVID-19 transition.  Environmental Reviews.  29:1-8.

  • Cooke, S.J., R.L. Cramp, C.L. Madliger, J.N. Bergman, C. Reeve, J.L. Rummer, K.R. Hultine, A. Fuller, S.S. French and C.E. Franklin. 2021. Conservation Physiology and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Conservation Physiology. 9(1):coaa139.

Other Publications

Drake, A.K., Perkovic, A., and Reeve, C., Alexander, S., Nguyen, V.M., and Dunmall, K.M. (2022). Community participating in coastal and marine research and monitoring in Inuit Nunangat, Canada: A scoping literature review. FACETS. 7: 891-911. doi: 10.1139/facets-2021-0067.

Reeve, C., Rowsey, L.E., and Speers-Roesch, B. (2022). Inactivity and the passive slowing effect of cold on resting metabolism as the primary drivers of energy savings in overwintering fishes. Journal of Experimental Biology. 225(8): jeb243407.doi: 10.1242/jeb.243407.  Nominated for the 2022 Journal of Experimental Biology Outstanding Paper Prize, Featured in Inside JEB, JEB Editor’s Choice, and selected for the Ecophysiology: responses to environmental stressors and change collection.