All Publications by Steven J. Cooke
Larocque, S.M., C.M. Boston, J.L. Brooks, J.W. Brownscombe, S.J. Cooke, S.E. Doka, and J.D. Midwood. 2024. Telemetry-derived seasonal fish-habitat associations and spatial use in the Hamilton Harbour Area of Concern in western Lake Ontario. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 3593. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Ottawa.
Zhang, J., Philipp, D.P., Claussen, J.E., Suski, C.D., Nguyen, V.M., Young, N., Lombardo, J., Cooke, S.J., 2024. Analysis of public comments on experimental regulations for protecting black bass during the spawning period in Eastern Ontario reveals both stakeholder acceptance and skepticism. Environmental Management.
Lunzmann-Cooke, E.L., S.G. Hinch, A.L. Bass, S.D. Johnston, B.J. Hendriks, A.D. Porter, S.J. Cooke and D.W. Welch. 2024. Recreational fisheries-related injuries and body size affect travel rate and post-release mortality in marine migrating coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). Fisheries Research.
Wilson, S., P. Smith, E. Kenchington, M. Ballard, R. Buxton, K. Bobiwash, S. J. Marshall, E. Gilmore, É. Abergel, J. Allison, D. Arbuthnott, S. Avery-Gomm, N. C. Ban, K. F. Beazley, J. R. Bennett, E. Bennett, A. D. Binley, L. K. Blight, L. E. Bortolotti, D. Browne, E. K. Cameron, K. M. A. Chan, C. Chisholm, C. Chu, S. J. Cooke, F. Di Palma, D. Duplisea, C. Edge, B. Frei, L. W. Gomes, C. Hart, S. Hayne, M. Houde, A. L. Jacob, S. Javorek, H. Kharouba, D. R. Lapen, T. G. Martin, M. Mitchell, I. Naujokaitis-Lewis, E. A. Nyboer, M. O’Connor, A. Olive, S. Otto, B. Pickering, R. Pither, G. Pritchard, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, J. Rice, D. G. Roche, E. Rubidge, M. Ryckman, J. M. Saarela, K. D. Sadler, C. Shulman, I. Siboo, K. A. Solarik, F. Soulard, C. Sponarski, D. Stralberg, E. Ubalijoro, A. Ventimiglia, and C. D. Ziter. 2024. Science and knowledge needs to support Canada’s implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Report prepared for Environment and Climate Change Canada, 62 pp. Available at: